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[+] CelaPool® Diatomaceous Earth Low Dust Swimming Pool Filter Aid / Filter Powder

Swimming pool residential with waterfall and hot tub 600x450
Swimming pool residential with waterfall and hot tub 600x450 24vf 6vf celapool 24lb 6lb 600x450 for website Celapool logo 600x450
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Introducing CelaPool®, a revolutionary new LOW DUST diatomaceous earth (DE) filter aid / filter powder.

Create a beautiful, sparkling clean pool today with CelaPool. It gives you all the benefits of Celatom® DE, the #1 choice of pool pros for swimming pool filtration, using a brand new patent-pending technology. CelaPool is uniquely designed for easy handling and application with low dust, less mess and less waste. Get the clean, clear pool you want with CelaPool, the better DE filter powder.

  • Celatom DE is the #1 choice of swim pool professionals
  • Easy to use. Less mess. Less waste
  • New thermally sealed bag for cleaner handling and storage
  • Blends quickly into water. Does not "float" on top
  • NSF Certified

Press Release: EP Minerals Launches CelaPool Low Dust Diatomaceous Earth Swimming Pool Filter Aid / Filter Powder

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