
Excellent customer service is something we believe all our customers deserve, and we do our best to make sure you receive this level of service throughout the world. We have fully-staffed customer service centers in Reno, Nevada and in Munster, Germany - with additional support available through our global distribution network.
“When I think of a customer, I see two paths. The obvious path is the customer that pays for what we sell. To some, that could be a nameless, faceless entity. But not to EP. The customer is our life blood, our purpose, and to be successful, we need to treat that customer as more than just a number. It's not just the service we provide – anyone can do that – it is the partnerships we create with our customers. They provide us with opportunities to improve or innovate, with names and needs. When they ask for help, we do all we can or we assist them to find solutions. We listen. That's what our customers want – to know that they are important to us and that we listen to what they need or want. To acknowledge them efficiently and effectively, by hearing them, they will remember us."
- Missy Kyle-Fuller, Director of Customer Service, EP Minerals
Technical Support
EP Minerals believes in bringing value to our customers by delivering more than a quality product. We also provide global technical service to help you:
- Optimize and improve your process.
- Troubleshoot your process.
- Recommend products and usage guidelines based on:
- Analysis of samples of your filtration process stream at our R&D facility in Reno, Nevada.
- Analysis of your current Filter Aid media.
Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about our technical service capabilities.